Friday 23 November 2012

InDesign First Attempt

This is my first ever attempt at making anything in InDesign. I tried to make a double page spread. The article is supposed to be about robots taking over the world. This is why I included the robot images. Seen as it was my first ever design without any planning I don't think I have done too badly, however I still need to do a lot of work and practise before I can make something that looks professional enough to actually be in a magazine.

Friday 9 November 2012

PhotoShop - Zoey

In this Photoshop task I attempted to tidy up this image of a girl who suffers from spots. I did this by heavily using the healing tool and the clone tool. I also tried to make her lips and cheeks slightly more colourful by painting them red with the brush tool and just changing the opacity and filter. I think this effect has worked quite well, but I need to be careful not to overdo it. Another thing I did using the clone tool was removing all of her loose hairs on her head. I even tried to make her eyes slightly bigger using the liquidfy tool as her face seems very small for the size of her head. However this ended up looking ridiculous and like an anime character so I restored it. Overall I think I did quite well at this task.

PhotoShop - Vampire

In this task I was asked to make this ordinary woman look like a vampire. To do this I used the Burn tool to darken the area around her eyes and then the sponge tool to desaturate her skin. Unfortunately the Sponge tool has made the area around her eyes orange for some reason and I do not think this looks very good. I used the magnetic lasso tool and then the skew tool to create her fangs. This took a few attempts to get right but I think overall it has worked out ok. Although the closer you look at it the worse it is. The thing I was most proud of is how her red eyes have turned out. To create this I had to make a new layer, then with the red brush tool colour in her eyes completely and then just flick through the filters until I found something which looked good. I think I was less successful with this vampire version than when I zombified Abbi last time.