Thursday 17 January 2013

Continuous Shooting Mode

By setting your camera to continous shooting mode it means that you're able to take serveral photgraphs all within less than a second of each other. This is particularly useful when taking a photograph of an active subject like a bird. You can them look back through you photographs and keep the best ones and delete the others. Here are some images i took of Abbi blowing bubbles:

For this image i actually took about 5 individual photographs. Unfortunatly because of Abbi's inability to blow a bubble this is the best image I got before the bubble popped. I like this image because you can see the different colours within the bubble itself.

This image shows a bubble a few milliseconds after it popped.

For this photograph I asked Abbi to blow a bubble with some bubble gum. This shows the bubble just after it popped in her mouth.

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